Monday, September 5, 2011

Natural Disasters

So, when you think about it, there are a lot of natural disasters.

Hurricanes, blizzards, tsunamis.
Volcanos, earthquakes.
Plague, drought, famine.

Before I lived in Texas, I never thought much about wildfires. I heard about them on the news, and it never mattered much to me.
But now that there are multiple fires surrounding Austin, it's some pretty scary stuff.
Ok, all natural disasters are pretty scary stuff, but the idea of driving into something like this...

It freaks a girl out a little bit.

And I think having pets makes it even more scary. While out last night, my friend and I agreed, we wouldn't care if our entire house burned down as long as our dog got out safely.
And we also agreed, if some one tried to evacuate our neighborhood, and told us we weren't allowed back to our home to get our dog out, we would probably break the law and jump some fences.

The thing is with wildfires, and I think the reason why I (and probably others) don't pay them much attention is because people rarely die. Neighborhoods are evacuated, people stay safe... it's not like hurricanes where people are told to evacuate and "wait it out," you can't wait out a fire. 

So I guess my point is, though wildfires don't get as much media attention, and people don't lose their lives, they should still be given consideration and as much attention as other natural disasters. People still lose their homes, cars, possessions. Just a thought.

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