Wednesday, May 23, 2012

the gmat: a rant

It just took me about 15 minutes to figure out how to write a new post, so I guess it's no surprise that I scored HORRIBLY on the GMAT this morning.

Oh, what's the GMAT you ask? It's the worst test in existence, and you have to take it in order to get your MBA. Think of the SAT, if it were on steroids and wanted to crush you into tiny little pieces.

First of all, if you happen to be wanting to take the GMAT in the not so distant future, I highly recommend you study. And by study, I literally mean buying a study guide, and spend (at a minimum) two hours a day for a month before taking this test.

How long did I study for? Oh about three days. This test happens to be full of math you learned in high school, maybe college if you didn't test out of it like I did. I'm talking integers, prime numbers, fractions, percentages, triangles, angles, lines, all sorts of stupid bullshit that I would have aced about, oh you know, eight years ago. AND you don't get a calculator.

Ok, raise your hand if you use any of these things in your average day? And who doesn't use a calculator? And actually, I've moved way past your average calculator and use excel for most of my math every single day. Are there employers out there giving prospective employees tests with fractions and solving for x and y to the 3rd power? Seriously, if there are, I would like to know so I feel a little bit better about bombing this test.

Friday, May 18, 2012

I am not a failure!

Oh hey blog post. Yeah, thought I had fallen off the face of the Earth didn't you? NOT SO.

So the main reason I stopped updating this was because I was trying desperately to finish a novel in November for National Novel Writing Month (nanowrimo) -- which I ended up not finishing, but I did get a good amount done. I will finish it eventually. I hope.

Recently I have come to the realization that anyone can write and be successful. This idea is what drove me to continue this blog and I am going to keep it going gosh darn it. The best example of this is the author of "50 Shades of Grey," EL James. First of all, yes, I have read her trilogy. Did you know she got her start writing "Twilight" fan fiction? Anyways, I have my degree in creative writing. "Twilight," is horribly, horribly written. So is "50 Shades." YET both of these women are like gazillionaires -- seriously, what was the point of me getting my degree in English? I should have saved the money and wrote smut. Ok that's the end of my rant.

Anyways, why do I think my life is interesting enough to have a blog? There are exciting things coming and I am pretty sure there will be humorous things happening.

1. I am applying for grad school. I will probably find out in the next month or so whether or not I get in. I'm applying to Texas State for my MBA.

There is an argument about the MBA. Some people say it's too generic which makes it almost worthless, while others say that since it's generic it opens you up to more opportunities. Since my Bachelor's degree is in English, but I work in Finance, if I were to apply for any other type of MBA I would have to take an additional year of prerequisites, and frankly, the only other real option is Accounting and I have no interest in being an accountant, I don't care how much money they make. I want to get my MBA because I would like to learn more about business/finance, and if I ever decide to leave my current company I think my MBA would help me tremendously. If anyone would like to comment on this, feel free.

2. Neville got a new job, he is the opening General Manager of a place called "Bangers." It's going to be a beer garden/sausage house off of Rainey Street. Ben, the owner, is incredibly funny and has great ideas and believe me, there will be things to write about. The last idea he had was to have a tattoo artist on hand to give out free tramp stamps as an incentive to have girls come into the bar. I will not be one of those girls.

3. For some reason, it never occurred to me that I travel a lot. Like a LOT. I'm going on a cruise to Bermuda in two weeks, with a pitstop/overnight trip in NYC and we're going to Ireland in December. There is talks that we might go to a nearby country while we're there, but that is up in the air. A lot of people blog about their travels. So I am going to follow suit.

4. Recently I have taken over as Captain of my soccer team and I like to cook. These things could make more interesting posts. We shall see. Also, I am three months into my fiddle lessons. VIDEO POSTS WITH A FIDDLE? It could happen.

5. I'm thinking about writing restaurant/book reviews on here. I read a lot. I eat out a lot. We'll see.

And there, ladies and gentlemen, you have it.